Help the Forest Society protect 5,800 acres in Dixville Notch, NH

Help the Forest Society protect 5,800 acres in Dixville Notch, NH

Friday, December 23, 2011

Balsams Sale with Forest Society Approved by AG

The Division of Charitable Trusts today approved the sale of conservation restrictions and a powerline right-of-way to the Society for the Protection of NH Forests for $850,000. The Forest Society has a signed purchase-and-sale agreement to conserve 5800 acres and extinguish the right-of-way.

"We're pleased to be working with the Tillotson Corporation and we're happy that the Charitable Trust Division approved the of the sale of the conservation restrictions on the Balsams land," said Jane Difley, president/forester of the Forest Society. "We are confident that those who appreciate the natural beauty and economic value of New Hampshire' forests and special places will step forward and help us achieve their conservation in Dixville Notch."

A copy of the letter from the Charitable Trusts division of the NH Attorney General's office can be seen here.

Northern Pass Interference in Balsams Land Conservation

The Forest Society is aware that Northern Pass continues to attempt to interfere in a transaction between two private parties, the Tillotson Corporation and the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests. Curiously, PSNH and Northern Pass seem unclear on the fact that the negotiations are over and that they are an unwanted suitor. The Forest Society has a signed legal contract to acquire conservation restrictions and the power line right of way on 5800 acres of lands surrounding the Balsams Wilderness Resort, and we have every intention of completing that transaction by Jan. 15.

We would point out that as a 110-year-old non-profit land trust that holds more than 700 conservation easements, the Forest Society is uniquely qualified to determine appropriate conservation outcomes, acquire conservation easements, and monitor those easements. Northern Pass, a for-profit shell corporation seeking to build a private commercial transmission line, would not be in a position to make such judgements or to acquire such a conservation easement.

It's clear that Northern Pass and PSNH are unwilling or unable to understand that not everything has a dollar price. It's also evident that Northern Pass and PSNH will resort to any tactics in attempt to force private landowners to sell to them. This is what landowners across New Hampshire have to look forward to as Northern Pass and PSNH attempt to bully their way across the landscape for their private transmission project.

That said, we appreciate the publicity their actions are bringing to our fundraising campaign. Online donations may be made at More information about our campaign to conserve the iconic Balsams landscape can be found here

Merry Christmas!